
Who was Christopher Cassaniti?

In the fast-paced construction world, dreams are built from sweat and determination. But in the middle of the hopes and aspirations, tragedy struck when an 18-year-old boy Christopher lost his life in a devastating accident. It was a regular Monday, 1 April 2019,12:15 pm, when a scaffold collapsed at a job site in Macquarie Park, crushing Christopher and injuring a fellow worker. He remained trapped for 20 agonising minutes before he passed away.

Only days before, Christopher had celebrated his 18th birthday with loved ones, and he was overjoyed after buying his first car that very Friday. Yet, his dreams were shattered instantly, leaving behind a heartbroken family and a shaken construction community.

Turning Pain into Purpose

Despite the immense sorrow she faced, Patrizia Cassaniti, mother of Christopher, discovered the determination to turn her pain into a mission for change. Instead of succumbing to despair, she pledged to preserve her son’s legacy by promoting construction safety. Her aim is to guarantee that “no worker in Australia should leave for work and not come back.

A Wake-Up Call to Avoid Complacency

Patrizia took to the media to share her powerful story of “WHAT TRAGEDY LOOKS LIKE.” Her heartfelt message struck a chord with all who heard it, shedding light on the devastating consequences when safety is overlooked. She strives to raise awareness about the grave impact of neglecting what we know to be safe and how it can lead to heart-wrenching disasters.

Leaving a Legacy of Change

Christopher’s passing has left an indelible mark on his family and the construction community. The tragedy, resulting from a combination of factors and negligence, is a stark reminder of the need to prioritise safety on every job site. Through Patrizia’s advocacy, Christopher’s legacy is one of hope for lasting change and a safer working environment for everyone in the construction industry.

From this tragedy, an idea was born – establishing a foundation to assist families who have lost loved ones on job sites. Thus, the Touched by Christopher Foundation came into existence with a mission to offer support for grieving families, allowing them to find solace and financial assistance to cope with their loss.

What Touched by Christopher Foundation does? 

Through financial support and personal experience, the Touched by Christopher Foundation ensures families have the space to grieve and recover without the added stress of financial obligations. Recognising the challenges grieving families face, the foundation promptly offers financial support.

They provide three months’ worth of grocery vouchers, calculated based on the number of direct members in the affected household, ensuring that necessities are taken care of during the initial stages of grief.

  • Easing Financial Pressure: Understanding that everyday bills and utilities don’t pause after a tragedy, the foundation provides up to $1,500 towards outstanding utilities.
  • A Blessing Born from Personal Experience: The Foundation was born out of the personal experience of the Cassaniti Family. Their understanding of the emotional and financial challenges that follow such tragedies drives them to support other families during their darkest moments.
  • Extending Support to Wider Industries: Though currently focused on the construction industry in New South Wales, the foundation aspires to grow its supporter base to serve other workplace industries in the near future.

 They have already demonstrated their commitment by supporting families affected by the bushfires during the Black Summer of 2020, showcasing their dedication to helping communities in times of crisis. Christopher’s memory fuels our passion for construction safety. Let’s unite to create safer job sites and honour his dreams.

Join us at our Bowling Night Fundraising event on 5 August 2023 at 6 PM. Donate to support the Touched by Christopher Foundation and make a difference in the lives of grieving families. Together, we can build a safer future.

For more information about the event

Call 1300 919 905. Or email scott.butlin@australianscaffolds.com.au

Donations at: Donate – Touched By Christopher Foundation

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